Harrow School

In recent months we’ve been working with the prestigious Harrow School (Winston Churchill’s alma mater) on development of their proposed new sports facilities.   The school is making a multi-million pound investment in its PE and extra-curricular facilities and wishes this to also benefit the wider community. We consulted the sports development team at Harrow Council,…

Great Cornard Sports Centre

When one thinks of a leisure or sports centre there’s a temptation to envisage the large, high profile centres such as XCel in Surrey and the Brentwood Centre in Essex.  However, for many people their local sports centre is situated at the nearby secondary school.  These dual use centres provide many grass roots clubs with…

Elmbridge Revisited

Back in 2013 we worked with Elmbridge Borough Council to refresh their playing pitch strategy.   This lead to a number of improved and developed facilities including the new football hub at the XCel Leisure Centre in  Walton on Thames.  They’ve now appointed us to produce an updated strategy to guide provision over the coming years.…