We recntly completed our work with Spelthorne Borough Council to draft a new playing pitch strategy linked to their new Local Plan. This will replace the old playing field assessment which dates from 2013.
We are working closely with the council and their partners at Surrey Cricket, Middlesex FA, the RFU and England Hockey. We’ve also had some excellent involvement from local clubs keen to see development of facilities in the area.
Since the last strategy there have been significant changes in the sporting scene including growth in women and girls football and development of London Irish RFC’s training ground at Hazlewood. Worryingly, there has been a significant fall off in adult football participation.
The PPS has been signed off by all the national governing bodies 9NGBs) of all the pitch sports and by Sport England. The council has adopted the report as part of its suite of evidence documents for the Local Plan. Key issues included significant reductions in demand from adult pitch sport teams, with commensurate increases in demand at youth and mini level. The main challenge is to reconfigure football pitch provision to reflect changes in demand. The council and other local stakeholders are now implementing the agreed action plan.